Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Food Starters

Welcome to my start of my new food blog. I thought I would try something new and write about a variety of food experiences: cooking, restaurant reviews, foodie events, TV shows about food, cookbooks, and travel. You get the idea. Recently, I made a number of recipes that were quite good, and they were also fun to make. I followed a recipe for some of these foods, and others I came up with on my own. However, the problem is that I am finding it difficult to remember all of the details. Sadly, I am reaching that age where something must leave the brain to fit in something new. I had the idea to start writing some of these things down, so that I could recall the details of my cooking experiences. What changes did I make to the recipe? Did I really bake this at 350 degrees? What things would I change if I made the recipe again? I am out of chili powder, what would I substitute? (Just kidding, I don't run out of chili powder.)

I have quite a collection of cookbooks and cooking magazines which contain more recipes than I could make in my lifetime. My wife and I will try some of these new recipes from time to time. My goal is to be more systematic about the recipes and try to make at least one new recipe per week. Okay, that may be an overly ambitious goal, but that is just the way I work. Let's see how far I can get. Anyone have any bets on how long this streak will last?

Hopefully, you will enjoy some of the things I write. I will be sharing some of the recipes that I develop. In the future, I plan to talk about my favorite food products to use and where to find them. Please feel free to add your thoughts on food and places you like to eat.

So long for now, it is almost time for the Final Four of Top Chef All-Stars.

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